Q1 2023
President's Message
President’s Message
I hope this message finds you well and glad to see the winter month behind us. I myself, am looking forward to every day getting just a little longer.
Last quarter, I shared your board was going to have a planning meeting in January for events this year and the direction for future meetings. Nothing is cast in stone, but many of our events will continue to be virtual until we have a clear indication meeting in person will be embraced by our membership. We will send meeting notices out and you can also visit our website www.sandiegorims.org to check out future dates.
We did meet in person in January. Ryan Nell, of Petit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin, gave an Employment Law Update. As usual Ryan did a terrific presentation. The Petit Kohn law firm has a great employment law newsletter. You can receive the newsletter by going to their website www. https://pettitkohn.com/attorneys and using the subscribe button. Share this with your HR Team.
February, we were back to virtual with a very well attended meeting with a discussion on Cal/OSHA’s Permanent COVID-19 Standard. This was presented by Jeannette Herrera of Hannah Brophy as well as Joel Sandoval and Carrie Rostron of CMR Risk and Insurance. It was a packed hour of information. We are very appreciative of the time they put into this hot topic.
March will be another virtual event with Peter Stockburger presenting on Trends in Data Privacy in the US. Peter will focus on challenges for all organizations facing a patchwork of new and emerging trends in data privacy. You should be receiving invitations for this March 23, noon to 1 pm presentation. If you have an associate this might be of interest to, please encourage them to go to our website and register.
Due to RISKWORLD starting in April, we are going dark for a meeting, but will have an I Love a Clean San Diego event April 15th at the Cardiff State Beach. See more details in this newsletter. Any questions contact Cindy Faulk at cindy@chuzefitness.com. I hope to see you there.
Other future events, June 7th, Summer Social Event at the Padres. We are looking for Sponsors for this fun event. You know the drill, go to our website for more information.
If you haven’ already, marked your calendar for Friday, August 4th, it is our annual Golf Classic. This year’s theme is our 25th Golfiversary. Hard to believe it has been 25 years since our inaugural tournament!
We look forward to seeing you in person, let us know when you are ready, we sure are.
Best regards,
Cheryl Berman
Chapter President.