Q2 2022
President's Message
Can you believe one half of the year is already gone! One of the things I appreciate about this time of year, are the long days. It feels like twice as much time to enjoy life. Not sure why that is, after all, there are the same number of hours in the day. I hope you all are having a great start to the summer months.
Here is a quick recap of our programming over the last three months. We hope you had the opportunity attend the March virtual meeting with the topic aptly titled Scams, Schemes & Scoundrels – California Declares War on Workers’ Compensation Fraud. It was a dynamic panel of advisors to the Employer Fraud Task Force. Unfortunately, this was a session we could not record.
In April we had about 20 risk managers join a Zoom Roundtable session. The discussion and information sharing were great. This was also, not recorded, allowing candid conversation among attendees. Renewals this year have been challenging, its nice to hear we are not alone in this difficult time. We hope to have another information sharing session later in the year, maybe even in person.
In May, we had some terrific presenters from Origami. The title of the session, Is the good enough, enough? Championing the intersection of Risk, Governance, and ESG. Environmental, Social and Governance are not just for publicly traded companies. It has become something of growing concern for private entities as well. It impacts the ability to find investors, talent, and clients. It is hitting on all fronts of our business. This presentation was fortunately recorded, if you are a member of RIMS or the San Diego chapter and would like to view this session, please go the chapter website www.sandiegorims.org and request a copy. Thank you, Origami, for sponsoring and presenting, your team is the best.
In June, we had a small Summer Social event at a Padre game, thank you to the sponsors for this event. A good time was had by all, and the Padres team pulled off a landslide win to make the event even more enjoyable.
We will be going dark in July. August 5 is our primary fund-raising event, the Golf Classic, held at Coronado Golf Course. This is a great venue and there may still be some sponsoring opportunities for those of you that are interested.
As always, please reach out to anyone on the board with any suggestions for topics you would like to see or resources you may like to share with fellow members.
I hope to see you August 5th and optimistically at an in-person event in September. Enjoy your summer.
Cheryl Berman
President - San Diego Chapter of RIMS