Q3 2022
President's Message
Greetings all,
I hope you had a great summer; it was certainly a hot one. Our big summer event is our Golf Classic. I want to thank all of you sponsors that made our tournament another successful outcome this year. This is our primary fund raiser to support chapter operations/events, local non-profit organizations, and the Spencer Foundation; we cannot do this without your generous support. A big shout out to all of you that volunteered your time to make it happen. Save the date, August 4, 2023 for our next Golf Classic!
We are back in person starting this month and anticipate going forward. We hope you can join us for a lively discussion on Cyber Coverage. Casey Powers from Chubb, Julie Nester from SD Co Schools Risk Management JPA and Marci Schullo of Alliant comprise the panel of speakers. The format is a little different for our first time out. We will have a midafternoon presentation followed by networking social hour from 4 to 5:30. The venue is the Bali Hai, with splendid views of the city skyline. Please visit our website for details.
October 27th, we will have Jason Cables, a Managing Director with Ankura present on accurate and timely business interruption values. This will be a luncheon meeting, the venue to be announced.
Heart of the Chapter, it is that time of year to nominate deserving individuals who qualify. This award is about recognizing the volunteer contributions of a RIMS member who serves as a role model keeping the Chapter vibrant and resilient. The nomination form is on the website under the Awards tab. I want to thank Cindy Steele, our most recent recipient, for heading up this selection process.
We have our slate of officers for 2023. I want to thank all of the nominees in advance for their willingness to contribute their time for the benefit of our chapter members. When we reach out to you members, please take the time to vote. Our by-laws require we have a majority of a quorum vote in these nominees.
As we head into cooler months, shorter days, and the holiday season, I wish you all the best in all that you do with family and friends.
Cheryl Berman
President - San Diego Chapter of RIMS